Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Muffins with Mom

This morning was Muffins with Mom at Ben's playschool. The kids came out and did a small show for the moms (which very uncharacteristically) Ben was more interested in eating his muffin than participating, so he sat with me. In these type of moments I really cherish being Ben's mom. . Ben is such a sweet hearted child and basically cuddled with me in the room while he ate his muffin while the other children ran around and played. I have always wanted children, ever since I was 5 years old everyone who knew me knew I liked pretending I was the "mommy" of anyone who would allow. There are some days I could just stay cuddled up in bed with my baby all day and talk and play and watch TV. God definitely blessed me with the perfect little boy for me who loves to cuddle just as much as his mommy! The best part about today was that Ben did a "My Mommy" sheet where the teachers asked them questions about their moms and they filled out these funny sheets for us. To make the day even better Ben listed that he thinks I weigh 90 lbs and that I like to clean! This post really has no funny Ben comments but I just wanted to brag on what a sweet, joyful, cuddly, caring little boy our family has been blessed with. I love him more than life.